Sunday, February 6, 2022

 Update February 6, 2022 (updates from Eric):

So big day for the family we are helping. They finished the house, had a dedication ceremony and turned it over to them.
Now some folks in the first world might say it's so small or any number of other things but this is a pretty standard type house here. Her kitchen is a step up from the open fire. Having a toilet means not having to walk down the road in bad weather or darkness. A concrete floor means things can be so much cleaner and drier. A roof that doesn’t leak. Walls that are not a tarp or termite eaten boards. A curtain for the doorway and window for more privacy. Such a step up in quality of life!
We are so glad we could help with this. This family has struggled with a great deal and this will help their quality of life a great deal. Thank you God that we could help be part of the team that was able to bless them so. May God bless all of you who helped make this happen!
There are more of these in the near future as well as prosthetics. We can't fix all the problems but as God provides and puts things in front of us there will always be more to do. Anybody is interested in helping this keep moving please feel free to contact us!





 Secondly, the new printer picking up the load for big and /or prints needing supports. This is the cuff for the largest arm yet. Since it has two separate print heads and two rolls of materials I can use a different approach. Our first printer, which is still cranking away in the next bay, we printed everything from one roll and large areas needing support sometimes were challenging to clean up. With this our primary khaki PETG is the part and the supports are cheap white asian PLA. It supports the elevated piece but doesn't really stick to it making removal easier. Further along the PETG will be printing arms right over the top of it. It also pretty much halves the time it takes to print the parts for a full arm. Just finishing up a set of pins and washers on our first printer. At the rate things are growing that's important! Our third bay just might be occupied soon as well. Thank you God for all you're providing! Our area that people have requested from now includes four countries! All word of mouth, no real publicity.

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