Tuesday, September 28, 2021

 Update September 28, 2021: (update from Eric):

At last! The raw material to get going!


Creating a few parts with the new more temp resistant filament to improve a few things on the printer and train myself on a few more programming techniques. Best news is we have the measurements to start our first hand for a recipient tomorrow! The young man Aaron that we showed at the beginning. We are all very excited to get this in motion!  




Monday, September 20, 2021

 Update September 20, 2021:

Eric is gradually receiving the parts needed.  As  a couple are videos on the IMS facebook page, I'll just post photos here, but you get the general idea.  This is the test run:



From Eric: First test done! Everything working like it should. Just need to fine tune a few settings and it will be even better! Layers obvious because it was a fast test print.





Saturday, September 18, 2021

 Update September 18, 2021 (update from Eric):

First piece of our 3D printing setup has arrived. The small part of course. This is a filament dryer. Since we live in a place of high humidity we have to deal with keeping the rolls of plastic filament dry or it can adversely effect the part quality.   Hopefully the rest will be here by the end of the week.


Saturday, September 11, 2021

 Update September 11, 2021 (update from Eric):

So, we've jumped in with both feet! We have a printer coming from the Czech Republic. A filament dryer from FL because of our humid climate here. Plastic filament coming from Indiana and hardware parts for 5 hands/arms coming from Illinois. 
Our partner in all this, Rita Rabre de Pinto,  is trying to get us some discount for humanitarian purposes with the air freight company. Please pray this happens! Getting stuff here is expensive and with few options as we are well off the beaten path. If we have to pay full price it's going to be very expensive but God has this, it's His work.
Last Friday Rita asked me to come up to her office. So I hopped in the tender and ran up. A young man and his father were sitting there. Rita said "Eric, meet Aaron. Aaron, show him!" Aaron had been hiding his left hand, a habit. He pulled it out and showed me he only has half a hand and no fingers.
Rita's husband had seen them out in one of the villages and said his wife was working with some people trying to help with that. They came in to see if anyone could help. She showed him the video of the hand we will be making and told him he might have to wait a bit as we are waiting on equipment to arrive and then we have to learn it. Can he wait? Indeed he can and he's a very exited 12 year old young man.
Then we find out his uncle, who is in his 40s, is missing his lower right arm, can we help? We will sure try!  Then a little later a person we know who is bringing food and supplies to some villages badly damaged by last year's floods asked could we help a boy she's learned of. He has no hands.Then our friend John has mentioned to his doctor what we are starting and says he has a patient who needs a hand.
We have not even officially started and 5 needs already! On my trip to the capitol to see the dermatologist I saw two more people missing hands. I think I have to learn this 3d stuff fast because there's no doubt of the need. 
Please pray with us for everything to arrive safely and get through customs without a hold up. For the resources to keep it going. For me to pick up the skills I will need quickly. For us to show God's care and love. 
Thankfully my years in CNC manufacturing are going to be a boost.   Also, a huge thank you and bless you to those people who gave to get all the gear to get us started.
We also have some other assistance projects coming up. When you say "God use us" hold on because He will!