Saturday, August 28, 2021

 Update August 28, 2021 (update from Eric):

Matthew 25:40
Hebrews 13:16
So to keep everyone up with what's happening. The house we built has now been equipped with a small solar system and a light in each area by Friends of Rio Dulce. Great work guys!!!   One of their neighbors talked with Rita Rabre de Pinto about how much of an impact this has made on this precious family who have struggled for a long time. This has meant so much to several generations and their future is looking so much better.
We are looking at another project if everything checks out. This will just be covering a dirt floor with concrete. We'll keep things up to date as developments move forward.
Now for our next big news. We are feeling very strongly about equipping our work in a new area. With a 3D printer we can produce basic hand prosthetics for those who have need. A group called e NABLE has done amazing work in this area. They offer designs and lots of support for those who do these for free. Not only that but there are many simple things like jar and bottle openers for people with severe arthritis or neurological issues. Book holders for those who can't hold one. Eating utensils for various issues. Wheelchair attachments and much more.
This is very much do able right on board and can meet an unmet need. Not only that but it can travel with us. Our biggest hope would be to get it in motion and then see it become something that can be repeated here locally. Currently no one is doing this here that we can find. 
We will have ongoing needs for raw materials and a few components but the cost is actually very reasonable. The printer equipment has become very affordable compared to ten years ago. Once here and set up we have several possibilities for incoming tourists to bring the materials and components in to us in luggage to save shipping.
We also are rapidly meeting contacts who get out in the rural villages who could tell people about what we could help with.  Yes there will be a learning curve but the 3D printing in many ways is similar to the CNC work I did for many years. 
If you would like to be involved, feel free to contact us!  Here is a video on what their focus has been.


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