Thursday, June 3, 2021

Update: June 3, 2021 (update from Mary):

Oh my goodness, that was a difficult trip. But we are finally here!! Thank you for all your prayers, the last several days were so grueling without the autopilot. I want to say right now that what that man accomplished through the grace of God has me in tears. I am so proud  of him and so grateful  for God's  strength that got us through. Eric is getting some very deserved rest and is exhausted but recuperating.

Right after getting through customs, we contacted one of the NGOs we are assisting and then anchored in Rio Dulce. Previously for 5 days, the freezer was going off and on as we slowly  lost most of our refrigeration. We kept praying that the meat (we had a lot of meat) would not thaw and spoil before we could donate it. If it all thawed, there was no way we could eat it, and my heart really wanted it to go to '"Casa Guatemala", an orphanage  with 200 children. Within hours after clearing  customs we made contact with Heather at Casa Guatemala and were able to donate the meat! Thank you God!!

Even more wonderful is the fact that this woman is able to help us get all the medical equipment/supplies for the invalid home located here. Over the next few days or week, all the items we brought will be where they belong. The Lord impressed  upon my heart many months ago that the supply  for our works and giving must simply come in one hand and go out the other.  That what we have is what we give and not to feel like we have to hoard or hang onto anything for the future (unless specifically  instructed  to do so). The supply given is for the need of the day!

From the office: Now that they're in Livingston and have signal,  you can resume reading Eric's posts on the IMS Facebook page here:

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