Monday, March 20, 2023

 Update March 20, 2023:   

Update from home office

Unfortunately, due to my yet to be resolved health problem, I am not able to do a large blog post that covers the time span from today, back to February 12, 2023.    

Should you wish to see the IMS Facebook page, this link should get you there:

If you wish to see the Facebook page , and see the  many photos that one has to see to appreciate what God's doing in that part of Guatemala, remember to ask to be "friended" into the Facebook page.

Unfortunately, the IMS Facebook page had to go private, due to bots, etc.    Once you submit a "friend" request, Eric or Mary will accept you into the Facebook group and you will have full access to it.  Thank you for your understanding!

Saturday, March 18, 2023

 March 18, 2023:

Note from home office:  For those of you who follow this blog, rather than the IMS Facebook page, you'll see that there's a gap between the last post and this current, brief one.  I apologize for this, but I have been dealing with severe health issues. I would very much appreciate your prayers so I can not only return to doing this blog, but also life in general.  

While things haven't been posted, believe me when I say I'll have A LOT of things to catch up/share when I'm back.  While this blog has been sidelined temporarily, the work that IMS does in that area of Guatemala has not been.  It's been very busy, in fact.  Thank you for your understanding!